The Macy legacy

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journal entry 5- kids

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  • Dear readers i am so sorry for the text heavy chapter, but due to my bad habits of ruining things i accidentally deleted the pics for this chapter after i had taken them. It was 6 hours of play and i couldn’t redo more than half of it, so i hope you understand. Next chapter i will have something extra great for you!!!!!



  • In this Chapter my grandmother gave each of the kids a journal to write in, she added parts of their journal into her main journal entry so that way future generations like myself could know about the heirs siblings as well. There will be at least one journal entry every generation like this, except for my own of course.

Since moving here to the Valley my family has had to make a lot of changes. Mainly we had to get used to the small town feel of the place, no skyscrapers, no loud noises throughout the night, and almost no celebrities. Because we were the only celebrities living here, we were constantly stopped by the pap and fans wanting an autograph.

We moved here six years ago, how do I know that you may ask, well the answer is simple, today I will be a mother to four teenagers. Aria aged up into a teenager two years ago, he is still the same happy kid that he has always been. I am happy that he isn’t so crazy about school now to, he has learned to have fun with other kids at school, even if they aren’t “normal.” But I am getting ahead of myself, let me tell you about what has happened in these six years.

The kids were all an instant hit at school when they started, everyone wanted to get to know the kids of the famous rock stars that just moved to town. The kids loved that they were so popular so quickly and it was such a change from their old school filled with child stars where they were pretty much nobodies. Of course Aria being the studious child that he is, he didn’t really want to make friends with any of the other kids at his school, he preferred to be at home studying or being with his brother and sisters. So it surprised me one day when he asked if he could go over to a friends house. He said that the kids name was Mol. I had never met Mol so I told him that I had to meet him first.

The next day as I saw the kids getting off the bus, I noticed something strange, it was a little blue kid. What did he think he was, a smurf.

As Aria walked inside he introduced the blue kid to me, he said that he was Mol.

I started talking to Mol and I found out a lot about him and his family. He is in fact not a smurf but he is an elf, he said that his family and many other elf families came to the Valley many years ago.

I had heard about elves when I was a kid but I never thought that I would actually meet one. In fact the elf population is about the same as the human population. Aria seemed to like hanging out with Mol and in a few weeks time he became a permanent fixture in our home. He really was a sweet kid and he brought out the best in Aria, he taught my little boy how to live a little.

After a gig one night I came home to discover that Yasmin had brought a friend home from school, I knew who her parents were and I could already tell that she was bad news. Her name was Erica Hurdle, her parents were well known throughout the town as being the leaders of the local Mob, I definitely did not want my daughter hanging out with a person like that. Of course because the Hurdles owned just about everything and everyone in the Valley they were never once brought in by the cops, who were probably just as corrupt. But who knows, maybe this girl was different than her parents, maybe she had no idea what her parents did for a living, I just had a sinking suspicion that she did and she was trying to bring my sweet little girl down that road of villainry.

I sat quietly in the living room listening to every word that the two spoke, I needed to know if I was right about Erica and if I needed to protect my little girl from that family.

“ So yeah that’s why my favorite animal is a unicorn” I heard Yasmin say

“ That’s cool, my favorite animal is a dog, because we have one that protects my family, he is so mean to some people but to me he is so sweet. Daddy said that Killer was only mean to people that Daddy told him to be mean to and that if I was a good girl, Killer would never ever be mean to me.”

“ Oh yeah Yas, tomorrow do you want to come over, I already asked my parents and they said that it was fine. I guess we are going to go to where my Daddy works and meet some of his friends, one of them has a son that my daddy really wants me to meet, he said that this boy might be my husband one day.”

When I heard what Erica said I was stunned, I even let out a little gasp, hopefully it wasn’t loud enough for the girls to hear because I wanted to keep listening.

“ Listen Yas I don’t think I can say anymore because I think your Mommy is listening and my Daddy said never to trust any adults that he doesn’t introduce me to because they might be a spy for the bad guys who want to take Daddy away. I will tell you more tomorrow under the slide at Recess.”

“ Don’t worry, my Mommy isn’t a spy she is a rockstar just like my Daddy.”

I heard a car pull up and when I looked out the Window I saw a young man who looked to be in his teens walk up to my door and ring the doorbell. He looked to be a teenager but I could not tell with the sunglasses blocking his eyes. I got up and went to the door to see who he was and what he wanted.

“ I’m here to pick up my little sister Erica, this is where she told Father she would be.” He said in a cold voice.

“ Um, yeah she is here, I will go get her for you.”

“ That’s alright Mrs. Macy, I’m right here. Thanks for letting me come over for a while!” Erica said as she walked by me.

“ Ummm sure”

After I saw that they were gone I casually went over to talk to Yasmin about her friend.

“ So Yasmin baby, why did you not tell me or your father that you were going to have a friend over tonight?”

“ I told you last night mom, you were over at our bar counter drinking a drink and you said that it was fine.”

Oh crap it might be my fault that my daughter is becoming good friends with the daughter of the local mob leader. My only hope for this not being my fault is if she didn’t tell me who it was.

“ But honey you never told me who was coming over.” Please I hope she didn’t tell me

“ Yes I did mom, and why should it matter who is coming over anyways, there is nothing wrong with Erica she is my best friend.” Shit, this is all my fault, I need to fix this somehow. I got it!

“ Honey I am sorry but you can not hang out with her anymore, you are forbidden from talking to her, and no buts either I am the adult and what I say goes.”

“ Mom its not fair, she is my only friend and…..a-aa-aand it-s just-not fairrrr!!” she said breaking out in tears running to her room.

I felt horrible for doing that to my little girl, I almost went and told her that I had changed my mind but I decided against it knowing that this was for not just her safety but for all of our safety, I didn’t want our family entwined in the mob.  Just as I was sitting down on the couch my wonderful husband Charlie came into the room and cuddled up right next to me and starting talking in his wonderful voice.

“ You did the right thing. She will understand some day.”

Zach’s Point of View

I heard my sister crying all night long about Erica, I guess she can’t be friends with her anymore. I don’t see why that is a problem though, Erica is really mean to me and Bael whenever Yas isn’t around. But enough with Yas and her icky girl drama, my life is so much cooler and fun. As you know, my name is Zach Macy but you might not know that I am extremely brave and that I have a love for Sports. I loved anything Sports related, in fact I played so many sports that I could barely keep up. My favorite sport that I play though is Baseball, me and my brother Aria always practice by throwing our baseball back and forth.

Aria wasn’t around a lot though, it seemed like he was always with his best friend Mol and its not like I am jealous or anything, but I miss the times when Aria would play with me, those days seem so long ago now and I miss them every day.

Ya know that feeling you get before you are about to do something your nervous for, well I get that feeling everyday when I go to school because I have no friends what so ever. Sure I have a lot of people that want to be my friend, but that is only because of my parents being famous rockstars. None of these people at school however want to be friends with me, Zach Macy. Sometimes I wish I was never famous so I could make real friends like a normal ten year old. I know it might sound weird but my sister Bael is my best friend, I can always count on her being there for me.

 Yasmin’s point of view

Mom told me I wasn’t allowed to see my best friend anymore, and well I didn’t listen. I mean if I want to hangout with someone she shouldn’t be allowed to tell me if  I can or can not. I didn’t want to get in trouble though so I told my mom I stopped talking to Erica, when I really didn’t. She said that I needed to make some other friends who were nice.

I walked into my class like a week after the fight with mom and I saw that we had a new girl. I thought that she looked kind of weird but she would be great for the plan I had.

When it was time for recess I called over for her to come and talk to me.

“ Hey what’s your name, its not just new girl is it?” I asked

“ Oh um my name is Addie.”

Yeah she would be great for my plan.

“ That’s such a pretty name. How do you like being the new kid?”

“ I guess it’s ok, I’m used to not having any friends so its not much of a chnge.”

“ Well how would you like to be my friend,  Addie?”

“ Really?!?! I would love that, I have never had a friend before.”

This is going to be almost to easy I thought to myself the whole time. My mom was so happy when I brought Addie home. I guess she thinks Addie is going to be a good influence on me or whatever. What my mom doesn’t know however is that I am only using Addie so I can hangout with Erica.

Addie came home with me almost everyday after school, she was kind of annoying but I guess she was alright, I mean she did do my homework for me cuz I told her that was what real friends do.

One day after school I asked my mom if I could go home with her and spend the night, my mom was almost to excited to let me go over there. Of course I didn’t go to Addie’s, I went to my real best friends house. Erica’s dad was so excited to see me, he always has had a little bit of a soft spot for me, for some reason he always says how good my genetics are and how great they would clash with his families.

I had the best night of my life with Erica that night, we prank called people and her dad took us down to a warehouse that he works at. I thought that it was kind of creepy at first but then I realized how cool it was there.

Aria’s point of view

Ever since mom found out that Yasmin had been going behind her back and hanging out with Erica when she was supposed to be with Addie, Yas has been grounded. I guess that she is grounded until her birthday which is a long ways away. I am so happy my mom likes my group of friends. I know it may be a little weird but I hang out with mainly elves, they are just the coolest. I love everything about them, from the ways their ears are pointed all the way to the color of their skin. I started hanging out with the elf community when I met Mol, my first best friend. He introduced me to his brother Auster and then to his cousin Leal. The four of us are always hanging out together, whether it be fishing or any other type of activity we were always together. So it was no surprise to mom or dad when I asked if the three of them could celebrate their birthdays here when I have mine because their parents were not going to be home.

My parents were more than happy to let them celebrate with us, of course I let them blow their candles out first. They looked so similar to each other, I guess its because they are related.

Here is a picture of the three of them aged up




It was finally my turn to age up and everyone was there cheering me on, I could not wait to finally enter teenagerhood( I like that made up word). I felt the weird sparklies embracing my body and then finally there I was, a teenager.

I didn’t feel much different than I did when I was a kid except for one thing, hormones. Leal was pretty before but now that she is older I couldn’t believe how stunning she was. She noticed me looking at her and instantly came over.

“ Hey Aria, do I have something on my face, I saw you staring at me?”

“ um… oh um yeah you have a whole lot of pretty” Damn you my brave instincts, she is gonna hate me now that I said that.

“ Oh…thanks Aria, you’re not bad looking yourself. Do you want to go dance?” I couldn’t believe she didn’t smack me.

We went and danced outside on the deck for three hours. Three amazing hours I got to dance with this amazing girl, I can feel myself falling for her, I just hope she feels the same.

After dancing we were both a little tired so I asked her if she wanted to go get in the hot tub. I had never seen her in a bathing suit before and my god was she hot. I think she liked what she saw to because I caught her staring at my chest as I took my shirt off.

One thing led to another in the hot tub and I soon found myself kissing her. Her lips were so soft and I could have swore I felt a little spark when we kissed, I knew instantly that I wanted more, but I also knew of her families rules, the rules that forbid our relationship.

When I woke up the next morning I noticed Zach crying. Seeing my little brother cry has become to much of a usual occurrence and it hurts me to see him cry, I need to find out what’s wrong.

“ Hey little guy whats wrong?”

“ I saw you kissing Leal last night and now that she is your girlfriend you will never have time to play with me anymore.” He sobbed

“ Zach I will always have time for you, you’re my little brother and you’re my best friend , nothing could ever get in the way of that. And by the way I am not dating Leal, it’s a long story that I will tell you when your older.”

“ D-do you p-promise Aria? I just have no friends besides you and Bael and I can’t lose my big brother!”

I suddenly felt so bad for not spending as much time as I could have with him. I realize that I have spent almost all my time with friends and I have almost lost my relationship with my brother. I scooped him into a hug and told him that I would help him make friends.

Bael’s point of view

I was always known as the cute one  until I got to elementary school where I was constantly picked on to the point that I would come home and cry everyday. I found that I only had four real good friends my Mommy, my Daddy, my brother Zach, and food. Food has been there for me my whole life, I feel like it is the only thing that hasn’t changed.

The pizza was there when I came home crying.

The ice cream was there when my sister Yasmin would pick on me.

The Waffles were there when I would be picked on for being fat.

My mom says that I am not fat, she says that I am big boned but I know that she is lying because no one else in our family is “big boned” besides me.

When my sister brought Addie home I thought that maybe my sister had changed and become friends with some people that were nice for a change but I guess I was wrong because my sister was not really friends with Addie. I mean I could see it in the way that my sister looked at her with disgust, it was the same way that my sister looked at me. Addie on the other hand had no idea that my sister didn’t really want to be her friend, she was blinded by the many lies my sister told her, I also think she was just happy that she had a friend.

It was finally our birthday and we would finally be teenagers, a time when someone falls in love and discovers who they really are. I won’t be discovering who I really am because I already know who that is, I’m Bael Macy the fat slob.

Zach blew his candles out first and wow did he age up into a good looking teen. Im not trying to be gross but my brother is hot.

Then it was my turn, unfortunately. As I aged I found that my love for food had really affected what I look like, I got bigger in both senses of the word.

Then  it was time for my evil sister Yasmin to go. Mom caved in and let her invite Erica for reasons unknown to me, but she also invited the sweet girl Addie. I think my sister actually does kind of secretly like Addie as a friend.

She aged up and she was beautiful. I wish I was as beautiful as she is.

After everyone left mom presented us with our gifts.

I got a keyboard because of my love for music, I want to be a rockstar just like my parents one day.

Zach’s point of view

I got a Football.

Yasmin’s point of view

I got the coolest thing ever, my very own area where I can learn simfu.

I immediately got to work and started training, it was just amazing how great it made me feel.

Of course now that I am a teenager I am not grounded anymore and I can hangout with whoever I want. I mostly hung out with Erica but on the rare occasion I didn’t, I hung out with Addie who is actually really nice and laid back, a lot different than the loud and kind of mean Erica.

Erica was still my best friend even as a teenager and we always hung out. When I went to her house her dad would tell us of all the stories of when he was a teenager in Russia. I found out on one of my visits that he was actually the head of the mob here in the Valley.

“ So Yasmin now that you know of this you will not tell will you? It is in your best interest not to tell anyone of the places I have taken you or of the things you have seen or heard.”

“Of course I wont Mr. Birknov.”

“Good. Good. Now have you met my son Ivan, we have plans for the two of you.”

“ Yes I have. What kind of plans are you talking about?”

“ What do you think of him, do you like him because I know he likes you?”

“ Father father father, always trying to play match maker over there. I wanted to be the one to tell her I like her. Would you like to be my girlfriend Yasmin?” Oh my gosh I could belive Ivan was asking me out, he was atleast five years older than me and he was a senior.

“ Yes I would love to Ivan, I have actually like you for a long time!”

With that we kissed and went up to Ivan’s room, I had completely forgotten I was over there to see Erica.

Ivan was so sweet and we have been dating for a few months now. My parents had no idea because I knew they would flip their lid, the only person that knows is his family. He always gives me gifts and I feel so bad for accepting them without giving him anything in return, so one night I gave him something I had never given anyone before, my virginity.

Zach’s point of view

Now that I am a teenager I feel so different, so alive. I am the coolest kid in school not just because of my parents but because I was the star player on the soccer team, the baseball team, and the football team. I liked soccer the best out of all of the sports I played though, it just made me feel free.

Of course being popular has some great advantages besides everyone liking you, it also makes the girls go crazy for you, which I need so no one figures out that I am gay.

Only two people know that I am gay, my sister Bael and my boyfriend Danny. Danny was great he was an athlete like me but he aspired to be a writer one day. We met at the llamas baseball game. He was sitting next to me in the bleachers and we started talking and before I knew it he invited me over to his house where we had our first kiss.

I know my parents wouldn’t understand if I told them, and if I told Yasmin she would not necessarily be mad, but she would tell.

Me and my sister Yasmin have gotten along more now that we have aged up. Just the other day she trusted me with telling me that she was pregnant and that she was scared about how she would tell mom and dad because they had such high hopes for their youngest child.

Aria’s point of view

I wish that I could be with her, I wish her parents weren’t so close minded, and most of all I wish that my plan will work.

Bael’s point of view

Now that I was in highschool I actually made one friend, her name was Olivine Chiffon, she was misunderstood just like me. She loved someone that she couldn’t have, I loved someone I knew would never like me back.

Me an Olivine hungout everyday just gossiping telling each other stories of how we would woo the love of our lives. She loved a guy named Tiber who lived in Briocheport, but her parents grounded her and sent her here to live with the hopes of her getting a better education.  I love my brothers best friend Mol, he is just so sweet.

One day when he was over we were walking and his hand brushed against mine, I almost fainted I was just so happy.

One day maybe I will build up the courage to tell him that I loved him, and maybe just maybe he will love me to.

Written by swimswam16

February 16, 2011 at 3:23 am

Posted in Uncategorized

2 Responses

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  1. Oh my god what an awesome chapter, even though there were no pictures! I don’t blame you for being stupid or something,because I am like super clumsy myself 🙂

    Oh my god, I love all there little stories! You are making it so hard for me to vote for one of them!!!
    Aria and the Elve girl: I was like ” ahh we are gonna have blue babies” 🙂 That storyline is just so cute and surprising! Zach being gay… and of course we have Yasmin, our little evil-pregnant gal!! 🙂 I like her and I can’t wait to say her aged up! And Bael is also very interesting!! Owww this is just SO hard!!!

    But thanks for the wonderful chapter! 😀


    February 16, 2011 at 5:12 pm

  2. Great legacy enjoy reading it.


    April 10, 2011 at 12:13 am

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